About 365Days365Classics

Hello!!! Hope you are having a good time at whatever you are doing, watching a good movie, or working on your own life, (the best and most understood story:))! Welcome to my blog!

So there was a time about a decade ago when I would watch a movie or read a book, and remain under its spell for days at end, scribble notes about it, discuss it with friends. Gone are the days! Now it is about work and family.

But still in my heart of hearts and in my laptop I carry a beautiful burden of unwatched movies. And I want to lighten up. So I decided, I have to take it one day at a time. So for one year, everyday I will be watching one classic and write my thoughts about it here.

365 Days 365 Classics is more a venture of love than any intellectual or technical analysis of movies. Although I would perhaps do it, as those are the ways to appreciate the art. As a rule, I will not reveal the plot, as much as possible, because the unfolding is best left to the director of the movie. What I intend to do is give some context about the movie, and help you look for the bits that one may miss if they are watching it for the first time.

Currently, I do not have a format for how I will choose my films, but I am sure a pattern will emerge eventually. I start August 1, 2015. I would be glad if some of you would be interested in joining me in this challenge.

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